Build autonomous apps
in 3 minutes
Ask the AI to generate multi-agent AI apps and automations.
Let AI build AI.
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How to build your Smart AI Agents
Launch powerful AI Automations in minutes: instantly connect your dat and combine multiple AI Agents to automate a universe of complex tasks. Without building complex infrastructures and manual integrations.
Go AI-Live in a day, not 6 months.
1. Connect your data
Connect your proprietary data sources using one-click connectors to databases, 3rd-party apps, documents and any custom data.

2. Access a universe of Agents & Models
Make your AI x100 smarter by leveraging Agents and models designed to automate complex activities. Automate a universe of task and workflows like generating reports, performing due diligence on companies, extracting insights from thousands of documents, and much more. Manage and customize multiple Agents on a single platform.

3. Hire your AI Sales Manager
Unleash the full potential of your company AI by letting your custom Agents work together, with seamless integration and complete control.
"Calculate the DCF and price target of top traded stocks"
"Assess customers profiles and draft Q1 proposals"
"Send Board meeting memo with this month updates"
"Generate Q3 Report with new regulatory updates"
"Predict Q4 sales outlook and write a scenario report"
"Draft earnings highlights for our equity portfolios"
Unleash the power of Smarter AI
in one click.
Schedule a demo and transform your workflows. Bring GenAI to your enterprise and to your customers.

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- For AI Dreamers
- Built for AI lovers. Follow the latest updates, new models, and get onboard to test new features.
- Launch your own AI
- Get in touch to discuss new ideas and see them in action on the platform. We'll do it for you.